Contact Belvedere Dental Care at 021 4295556 a soon as possible for advice. Early and appropriate management can have many advantages such as:

  • Increased possibility of conserving the tooth’s vitality
  • Improve long-term prognosis
  • Possibly reduce future complications which can lead to more complex and costly treatments

If you have Chipped your Tooth:

  • try to find the fragment, store it in milk and call Belvedere Dental Care as soon as possible. The dentist may be able to glue the fragment back on to the tooth but it is imperative to keep the tooth hydrated in milk.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t find the fragment, your dentist will be able to use a tooth-coloured filling material to build your tooth up. If part of a back tooth is broken, it may either need a filling or a crown (also known as a cap).
  • If the tooth is badly broken and the nerves are exposed, it may be a little sensitive and may even need root canal treatment. This involves removing the nerve and placing a root filling prior to rebuilding the tooth.

Chipped Tooth

If Your Tooth is Knocked Out (Avulsed):

    • Find the tooth. Hold the tooth by the crown (the white part), not by the root (the yellow part).
    • If contaminated with debris, rinse briefly with cold tap water (plug the sink)
    • If possible, Reimplant the tooth back in its socket immediately. This can be done by the child or an adult.
    • Hold the tooth in place. Bite on a handkerchief to hold it in position and go to the dentist immediately.
    • If you cannot put the tooth back in, place it in a cup of milk or saline. When milk or saline are not available, place the tooth in the patient’s mouth (between the cheeks and gums).
    • Seek dental treatment. Dr Browne has a special interest in the management of sports injuries.

For further advice go to

Only Permanent teeth can be re-implanted.
Baby teeth should NOT be re-implanted.